
The Learning Tower

I found this today at a consignment store, we've had our eye on one for a little while now. It's the neatest thing. It holds a child securely in so they can be at a countertop with you. Carson loves to help cook and bake so this is perfect for him. Plus, I'll be looking forward to Ila Kate helping me make dinner! You can find it at Williams Sonoma.

1 comment:

One Daddy + One Mommy + Big Brother + Baby #2 on the Way! said...

Very neat!! We just found Garrett a kitchen at the consignment store. Love a bargain that makes our little men happy :)!!

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This blog is the beginning of my journey to getting my body back in shape like it was the day I married. I created this blog while I was pregnant with my third child, dreaming of my favorite blue jeans and a belt.